Physics Department, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires
Institute of Physics of Buenos Aires, CONICET

The Applied and Environmental Geophysics Group (GAIA) has wide experience in geophysical prospecting. The methods used allow studying different physical properties from the Earth interior, through measurements made in the surface, reaching depths that go from centimeters to some kilometers. Throughout almost two decades, numerous innovative contributions have been generated regarding the methodology of data acquisition, processing and modeling, as well as the development of measurement equipment. These contributions led to a continuous improvement of the results obtained when applying these methods
Geoelectrical or Resistive method, also known as DC or Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
Induced Polarization (IP)
Multi-frequency, dual-coil electromagnetic induction (EMI) / Small-loop electromagnetic induction (SLEM)
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Reflection Seismic
The first four methods offer information about the electrical and magnetic properties of the sub-surface, and the last one about its elastic properties.
Regional geologic studies
Exploration of natural resources
Hydro-geological Investigations
Detection and mapping of contamination plumes
Location of buried structures
Studies of environmental impact related to industrial activity
Characterization of geothermal reservoirs and localization of geothermal aquifers
Determination of zones with enhanced corrosion risk in buried pipelines
Studies on sedimentation and desertification.
A general objective of research is the development of advances in the methodologies of acquisition, processing, numerical modeling and interpretation of data, for improving the accuracy and resolution of the information obtained with the prospecting methods used.
Georadar: Investigation of arrangements of emitters and receivers - Development of methods for automatic detection and clasification of targets based on Supervised Learning (artificial neural networks, support vector machines, cascade classifiers, convolutional neural networks, clustering, etc.)
Electrical Resistivity Tomography / Induced Polarization: Design and construction of a high performance, modular equipment for automatic acquisition of multichannel geoelectric data, especially suitable for extensive 3D measurements and 4D monitoring of areas of interest. The control of its operation can local or remote - Development, analysis and optimization of 3D acquisition configurations with surface and borehole electrodes, for the detection of fluid layers at medium to great depths / Development and implementation of alternative methods of acquisition and processing to estimate and reduce the errors of geoelectric and EMI data.
Seismic method: Design and optimization of processing filters for the removal of coherent noise (surface waves). Development of a 2D direct modeling method based on ray tracing.
GPR study of a pre-incaic archaeological site in the Argentinian Andes

Near surface reflection seismic for sedimentary studies
Urban geophysics: Electrical Resistivity Tomography for archaeology and engineering applications
GPR study of dunes - Automatic detection of buried pipe-flanges using Supervised Learning

RESEARCHERS of the Applied and Environmental Geophysics Group (GAIA), Physics Department of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (FCEN) of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and Institute of Physics of Buenos Aires (IFIBA), CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research):
Dr. Ana Osella. Full time Professor, Physics Department, FCEN, UBA; Principal Researcher at CONICET; Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Patricia Martinelli. Independent Researcher at CONICET; Adjoint Professor at UTN (National Technological University); Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Néstor Bonomo. Independent Researcher at CONICET; Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Matías de la Vega. Independent Researcher at CONICET; Curriculum Vitae
COLLABORATORS from the Research, Development and Transfer Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Austral University (LIDTUA, CONICET):
Dr. Vivian Grunhut. Assistant researcher at CONICET; Asociated Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Austral University; Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Victoria Bongiovanni. Assistant researcher at CONICET; Adjoint Professor level 2, Faculty of Engineering, Austral University; Curriculum Vitae
CURRENT AND RECENT PhD thesis students
Dr. Pablo Bordón
Dr. Darío Bullo
Lic. Luciano Onnis
Lic. Adrián Tichno
Eng. Julián Andrés Ramos
Lic. Manuel Pérez Vargas
Lic. Peter Zabala Medina

José Luis Lanata, Arleen Garcia-Herbst, Luis Martino and Ana Osella, 2006. Exploring the South America Human Dispersal Distinctiveness, in The Prehistory of South-America, R. Kipnis & P. DeBlasis Ed., Univ. of Alabama Press, USA.
Lanata, J. L., Matino, L. y Osella, A., 2006. Simulando la dispersión humana en Sudamérica, en Metodologías Científicas aplicadas al estudio de los Bienes Culturales, Ed. A. Pifferetti y R. Bolmaro, Rosario, p.413-420 (ISBN 13:978-987-22224-7-5).
A. Osella y J. L. Lanata. 2006. Arqueo-geofísica: Una metodología interdisciplinaria para explorar el pasado, Ed. Academia de Historia Félix Azara – Universidad Maimónides, Bs. As., 250pp. (ISBN 987-05-1847-8).
Osella, A., Bonomo, N, y Ratto, N., 2009. Prospección Geofísica en la localidad arqueológica de Palo Blanco y alrededores (Departamento Tinogasta, Catamarca). In: Entrelazando ciencias, sociedad y ambiente antes de la conquista española. Compiler: Norma Ratto. Editor: EUDEBA, 207 pág, ISBN 978-950-23-1651-2.
Ratto, N, Bonomo, N. y Osella, A., 2013. Arqueo-geofísica en instalaciones del área del abanico aluvial del río La Troya (Departamento Tinogasta, Catamarca). In: Delineando practicas de la gente del pasado: Los procesos socio-históricos del oeste catamarqueña (comp. N. Ratto). Ed. Sociedad Argentina de Antropología. ISBN 978-987-1280-23-0.
Design of prospecting equipment
Development of a geoelectric device of capacitive contact for studying very resistive zones. A. Osella, M.V. Bongiovanni, M. de la Vega, 2012, Near Surface Geoscience 2012. 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Ed. by European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, 5 pág.
de la Vega, M., Bongiovanni, V, Osella, A. Modular resistivity device for physical model studies. Procc. of the 25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2019, 5pp DOI: https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201902416
Lucuy, A., Bongiovanni, M. V., Grünhut, V. y Osella, A. Theoretical fundaments to obtain complex permittivity and resistivity in CR method. Conference Proceedings, 25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Sep 2019, Volume 2019, p.1 – 5. La Haya, Netherlands. doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201902418
de la Vega, M., Bongiovanni M. V. and V. Grünhut. Design of a low-cost electrical resistivity meter for near surface surveys. Earth and Space Science. In press, 2021.
Development of Methods and Geophysical Data Modeling
2-D Geoelectrical modeling using a Rayleigh-Fourier method. Osella, A., Martinelli, P. and Cernadas, D., 2000., IEEE Trans. Geoscience and remote sensing , 38 (3), 1344-1351.
Comparative magnetotelluric modeling of smooth 2D and 3D conducting bodies using Rayleigh-Fourier codes. Martinelli, P., Osella, A. and Pomposiello, C., 2000. Pure Appl. Geophys., 157 (3), 383-405.
Induction effects of 2-D structures on buried pipelines. Osella, A., Martinelli, P., Favetto, A., and López, E., 2002.. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and remote sensing, 40 (1), 197-205 (ISBN 0196-2892).
Geoelectrical modeling of shallow structures using parallel and perpendicular arrays, Bonomo, N., Osella and A., Martinelli, P., 2002. Earth, Planets and Space, 54(5), 523-533. (ISNN 1343-8832)
Numerical simulations of the current channeling effect on MT responses due to shallow conductive structures, Chao, G. y Osella, A., 2003. J. Appl. Geophys., 52, 123-137 (ISBN 0926-9851).
Modelling electromagnetic responses of 2-D structures due to spatially non-uniform inducing fields. Analysis of magnetotelluric source effects at coast lines, Martinelli, P. y Osella, A., 2003. Geophys. J. Inter., 155 (2), 623-640.
Numerical simulation of electromagnetic induction responses of 2D resistive structures as an aid for interpretation of archaeological data, P. Martinelli , A. Osella, E. Lascano, 2004. Proc. 74th SEG Meeting. Electronic Ed.
Modeling Broadband Electromagnetic Induction Responses of 2-D Multilayered Structures, Martinelli, P., Osella, A. and Lascano, E., 2006. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and remote sensing, 44 (9), 2454-2460
An application of the synthetic emitter-array method to improve GPR signals, Cedrina, Lorena, Bonomo, Néstor, y Osella, Ana, 2010. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 70, 237-244 DOI information: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2010.01.004 (ISBN 0926-9851).
GPR-signal improvement through the Synthetic Emitter Array method: a study of its characteristics. Cedrina, L., Bonomo, N. and Osella, A., 2011. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Acepted.
Effects of instrument orientation on small-loop electromagnetic induction surveys of localized 2D conductive targets. Robledo, F. E.; Martinelli, H. P.; Bonomo, N. E., 2011. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 8, 579–591.
Estimation of Data Errors for Small-loop EM Induction Systems and how Considering them Improves 1D Inversion Results. Martinelli, H. P.; Robledo, F. E., 2012. Book of Abstracts: Near Surface Geoscience 2012. 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Ed. by European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, 5 pp. ISBN 978-90-73834-34-7.
Development of a geoelectric device of capacitive contact for studying very resistive zones. A. Osella, M.V. Bongiovanni, M. de la Vega, 2012, Near Surface Geoscience 2012. 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Ed. by European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, 5 pág.
Detection of brine plumes in an oil reservoir using the geoelectric method. Bongiovanni, M.V., A. Osella, M. de la Vega and A. Tichno, 2013, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 10, 1-9.
Carcione, J., Grunhut, V., Osella, A., 2014. Mathematical analogies in physics. Thin-layer wave theory, Annals of Geophysics, 57, 1-10 DOI 10.4401/ag-6324.
Ground Penetrating Radar investigation of the cylindrical pedestal of a monument. Bonomo, N., Bullo, D., Villela, A., and Osella, A., 2015. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 113, 1-13.
Numerical simulation of surface-downhole geoelectrical measurements in order to detect brine plumes. M.V. Bongiovanni, V. Grünhut, A. Osella, A. Tichno, 2015, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 116 215–223.
Azimuth calculation for buried pipelines using a synthetic array of emitters, a single survey line and scattering matrix formalism. Bullo, D., Villela, A. and Bonomo, N., 2016. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 134, 253–266.
Identification of pipe flanges in GPR images by using Neural Networks. Bordon, P., Martinelli, H. P., Bonomo, N.E., 2017. Book of Abstracts: Near Surface Geoscience 2017. 23th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Ed. by: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).
2D-SEA Methodology for GPR Reflections. Bullo, D., Bonomo, N. and Osella, A., 2017. 23rd European of Environmental and Engineering Geophisycs. European Association of Geoscientist & Engineers. 3 - 7 September. Malmö, Sweden, Mo 23P2 20.
Bordon, P., Martinelli, P., Bonomo, N., 2018. Automatic detection of reflections at ancient walls in simple-offset GPR images by using cascade classifiers. Proceedings: Near Surface Geoscience 2018. 24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Ed: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). ISBN: 9789462822634. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201802476. Mo 24P1 12, 5 pp.
Bullo, D. and Bonomo, N., 2018, 2D Synthetic Emitter Array methodology for improving GPR reflections. Journal of Applied Geophysics 159, 285-293.
Bordón, P., Bonomo, N., Martinelli, P., 2019. Automatic detection of pipe-flange reflections in GPR data sections using supervised learning. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 170, art. no. 103856.
Martinelli, P., Grunhut, V., Bordon, P., Robledo, F.E., Franzoni, M. E., Osella, A., 2019. Numerical estimation of geoelectrical data errors. Comparison with the method of reciprocal measurements. Proceedings Near Surface Geoscience 2019. 25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Ed.: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201902415.
Onnis, L.,Osella, A. and Carcione, J. M., 2019. Retrieving shallow shear-wave velocity profiles from 2D seismic-reflection data with severely aliased surface waves. J. Appl. Geopphys. 161, 15-25.
Bordón, P., Martinelli, P., Zabala Medina, P., Bonomo, N., Ratto, N.R., 2020. Automatic detection of mud-wall signatures in ground-penetrating radar data. Archaeological Prospection, 28(1), 89-106.
Applications to Sedimentological and Paleoenvironmental Studies
Payenia Volcanic Field and Llancanelo Lake: A key region for paleovolcanic, paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic recording. Rovere, E.I., Violante, R.A., Osella, A., De La Vega, M. Y Osterrieth, M.L., IAVCEI General Assembly, Reykjavik, Islandia, 2008.
Paleovolcanic and paleoclimatic evidences in Quaternary deposits from Llancanelo lake, Payenia Volcanic Field (Mendoza, Argentina): environmental hazard implicances. Rovere, E.I., Violante, R.A., Osella, A., De La Vega, M. Y Osterrieth, M.L., 3rd. International Maars Conference (3 IMC), Malargue, Mendoza, 2009. Abstracts volume: 31-32.
Characterizing volcanic features using a frequency-domain electromagnetic induction system, Osella, A., de la Vega, M., López, E., Violante, R., Rovere, E.. AGU 2010 The Meeting of the Americas, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, August 8-12.
Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction In The Western Lacustrine Plain Of Llancanelo Lake, Mendoza, Argentina Violante, R., Osella, A., de la Vega, M., Rovere, E., Osterrieth, M., 2010., Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 29 (650-664), doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2009.12.001
Osella, A., de la Vega, M., López, E., Rovere, E. y Violante, R.A, 2011. Caracterización de secuencias sedimentarias lacustres y estructuras volcánicas en base a métodos geofísicos, laguna Llancanelo, Mendoza. XVIII Congreso Geológico Argentino, Neuquén (H. Leanza, M. Franchini, A. Impiccini, G. Pettinari, M. Sigismondi, J. Pons y M. Tunik, Eds.), Actas CD ISBN 978-987-22403-4-9.
Violante, Roberto A., Elizabeth I. Rovere, Ana Osella, Matías de la Vega, Ernesto López, 2011. Factores condicionantes en la evolución de la laguna Llancanelo, Provincia de Mendoza. XVIII Congreso Geológico Argentino, Neuquén (H. Leanza, M. Franchini, A. Impiccini, G. Pettinari, M. Sigismondi, J. Pons y M. Tunik, Eds.), Actas CD ISBN 978-987-22403-4-9.
de la Vega, M., López, E., Osella, A., Rovere, E.,Violante, R., 2012. Quaternary volcanic-sedimentary sequences and evolution of the Llancanelo lake region (Southern Mendoza, Argentina) evidenced from geoelectric methods, J. of South American Earth Science, 40, 116-128. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2012.08.002
Rovere, E.,Violante, R., Rodriguez E., Osella A., y de la Vega, M, 2012. Tephrology of the 1932 eruption of the Quizapú volcano in the region of Laguna Llancanelo, Payenia (Mendoza, Argentina) (Aspectos tefrológicos de los depósitos volcánicos de la erupción del volcán Quizapú de 1932 en la región de la laguna Llancanelo, Payenia (Mendoza, Argentina)). Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis, 19 (2), 125-149 ISSN 1851-4979.
Carcione M., de la Vega M. , Gei D. , Osella A , Tassone A., Poscolieri, M., 2013. Seismic characterization of the Quaternary sediments at Llancanello Lake Area, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 22(1), 1-17. ISBN 0963-0651
Álvarez, A., Osella, A., Tassone, A2, Lippai, H., de la Vega, M., López E., 2014. Estudio magnetométrico del volcán Trapal, campo volcánico Payenia, pcia Mendoza, XIX Congreso Geológico Argentino, Córdoba, (H. Leanza, M. Franchini, A. Impiccini, G. Pettinari, M. Sigismondi, J. Pons y M. Tunik, Eds.), Actas CD ISBN 978-987-22403-4-9, 2p.
Osella, A., Onnis, L., Tassone, A., Lippai, H. , de la Vega, M., Rovere, E., Lopez, E.2014. Relevamiento de sísmica de reflexión y magnetometría del área de la laguna Llancanelo, pcia. de Mendoza, XIX Congreso Geológico Argentino, Córdoba, (H. Leanza, M. Franchini, A. Impiccini, G. Pettinari, M. Sigismondi, J. Pons y M. Tunik, Eds.), Actas CD ISBN 978-987-22403-4-9.
Osella, A., Onnis, L., de la Vega, M., Tassone, A., Violante, R., Lippai, H., López, E., Rovere, E., 2015. Seismic reflection survey at Llancanelo regio (Mendoza, Argentina) and preliminary interpretation of Neogene stratigraphic features. Journal of South American Earth Science, 60, 71-81. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2015.03.005
Onnis, L., Osella, A., Analysis of Severely Aliased Surface Waves from a 2D Seismic Reflection Line, Procc. of the Near Surface Geoscience 2017 DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201702042
Onnis, L., Violante, R.A., Osella, A., de la Vega, M., Tassone, A., López, E., 2018. Neogene-Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of Llancanello Lake Basin, Mendoza, Argentina, Andean Geology, 45 (1), 35-46. ISSN 0718-7192.
L. Onnis, A. Osella, R. Violante, J. Carcione. Near-surface characterization of the Llancanelo Lake region (Argentina) by surface-wave analysis of 2D reflection data, Procc. of the Near Surface Geoscience 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201802642
Zabala Medina, P., Bonomo, N., Osella, A., Salvo Bernárdez, S. and Limarino, O., 2018. GPR prospecting of fluvial-eolian interaction deposits in the Bermejo Valley, NW Argentina. 24th European of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. European Association of Geoscientist & Engineers. 9 - 13 September. Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 9781510850798. Mo 23P2 20. p. 158-162.
Cavallotto, J.L . Bonomo, N., Grunhut, V., Zabala Medina, P., Violante, R.A., Onnis, L., Osella, A., 2020. Shallow geophysical methods for recognition of Holocene sedimentary sequences in the southern coastal plain of the Río De La Plata (Argentina). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, vol. 102. 102662. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2020.102662
Zabala Medina, P., Bonomo, N., Osella, A., Salvo Bernárdez, S., Limarino, O. 2019. Attributes of 2D GPR data to characterize eolian-fluvial interaction deposits. 25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 8-12 de Septiembre, La Haya, Holanda.
Zabala Medina, P., Limarino, C., Bonomo, N., Salvó Bernárdez, S., Osella, A., 2020. Using Ground Penetrating Radar and attribute analysis for identifying depositional units in a fluvial-aeolian interaction environment: The Guandacol Valley, northwest Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 98, 102467, 1-16.
Salvó Bernárdez, S., Zabala Medina, P., Limarino, C., Bonomo, N., Osella, A. 2021. Fluvial-aeolian interaction deposits in the Andean Foreland basin (Northwest Argentina): Architecture and facies model. Aeolian Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeolia.2021.100754
Pipe-flange Detection and Corrosion Studies in Oil and Mineral Pipelines
Effects of soil resistivity in buried pipelines, Osella, A. y Favetto, A., 2000. J. Appl. Geophys., 44, 303-312.
How to detect buried structures through electrical measurements, Osella, A., Chao, G. and Sánchez, Federico, 2000. Am. J. Phys., 69, 2, 1-7. (ISSN 0002-9505)
Induction effects of 2-D structures on buried pipelines. Osella, A., Martinelli, P., Favetto, A., and López, E., 2002.. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and remote sensing, 40 (1), 197-205 (ISBN 0196-2892).
Corrosion rate in pipelines due to varying currents and its dependency on the electrical resistivity of the soil, Osella, A. , López, E. y Martino, L., 2003. Ann. Soc. Braz. Geof., Electronic Ed.
Controlled experiments to study corrosion effects due to external varying fields in embedded pipelines, López, E., Osella, A. and L. Martino, 2006. Corrosion Sc., 48 (2), 389-403. (ISBN 1466-8858).
Pipe-flange detection with GPR Bonomo, N., de la Vega, M., Martinelli, P, and Osella, A., 2011., Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 8, 35-45.
Identification of pipe flanges in GPR images by using Neural Networks. Bordon, P., Martinelli, H. P., Bonomo, N.E., 2017. Book of Abstracts: Near Surface Geoscience 2017. 23th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Ed: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).
Bordón, P., Bonomo, N., Martinelli, P., 2019. Automatic detection of pipe-flange reflections in GPR data sections using supervised learning. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 170, art. no. 103856.
Characterization of Contaminants and Environmental Impact Studies
Combining Wenner and Dipole-Dipole arrays to study Hydrocarbon contaminated soils, Osella, A., de la Vega, M., Lascano, E., 2002. Env. & Eng. Geophys. Soc., Electronic Ed.
Electrical characterization of a contaminant plume due to a hydrocarbon spill, Osella, A., De La Vega, M. y Lascano, E., 2002. J. Environmental and Engineering Geophys., 7 (2), 78-87.
Caracterización eléctrica de contaminantes en suelos saturados de agua (Electrical characterization of contaminants in water saturated soils). López, E., Martino, L., de la Vega, M., Osella, A., 2002. Anales de la Asociacion Física Argentina, 14, 285-288.
Joint inversión of Wenner and dipole-dipole data to study a gasoline contaminated zone, De la Vega, M., Osella, A. y Lascano, E., 2003. J. Appl. Geophys., 54, 97-109 (ISBN 0926-9851).
Fresnel reflection coefficients for GPR-AVA analysis and detection of seawater and NAPL contaminants, Carcione, J., Gei, D., Botelho, M., Osella, A. and de la Vega, M., 2006. Near Surface Geophysics, , 4 (4), 253-264 (ISBN 1569-4445).
Geoelectric and EMI methods to study soils with superficial leakages of hydrocarbons, V. Bongiovanni, N. Bonomo, M. de la Vega, A. Osella, Near Surface 2007 - the 13th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics of the Near Surface Geoscience Division of EAGE. 3-5, Estambul, Turquía, September 2007.
Laterally filtered 1D inversions of small-loop, frequency-domain EMI data from a chemical waste site. Martinelli, H. P.; Duplaá, M. C., 2008. Geophysics, 73(4), F143–F149.
Hydrocarbon contaminated soil: geophysical-chemical methods for designing remediation and monitoring strategies, D. Coria, V. Bongiovanni, N. Bonomo, M. de la Vega, M.T. Garea, A. Osella, 2009, Near Surface, 7(3), 227-236.
Small-loop electromagnetic induction for environmental studies at industrial plants, Martinelli, P. and Osella, A., 2010. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 7, 91-104.
Caracterización de zonas contaminadas por derrames recientes de hidrocarburos mediante métodos geofísicos (Characterization of areas contaminated by recent hydrocarbon spills by geophysical methods). Robledo, F. E., Martinelli, H. P., 2011. Geoacta, 36, 129-150.
Assessment of the distortions caused by a pipe and an excavation in the electric and electromagnetic responses of a hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Martinelli, H. P.; Osella, A. M.; Robledo, F. E.; de la Vega, M., 2012. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 77, 21-29.
Picotti, S., Grunhut, V., Osella, A., Gei, D. Carcione, J., 2013. Sensitivity analysis from single-well ERT simulations to image CO2 migrations along wellbores. The Leading Edge, 32 (5), 504-512.
Detecting contaminants in aquifers through modeling of surface-downhole geoelectrical data, V. Bongiovanni, V. Grünhut and A. Osella, 2015, Near Surface Geoscience - 21th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Turin, Italy, 5 pp.
Grunhut, V., Bongiovanni, M.V., Osella, A., 2018. Using surface downhole ERT for detecting contaminants in deep aquifers due to the exploitation of oil reservoirs, Near Surface Geophysics, 16 (5), 545-556.
Martinelli, P., Osella, A., de la Vega, M., Pinio, A., 2018. Different techniques for the assessment of geoelectrical data errors to improve the electrical images obtained at an industrial plant. Near Surface Geophysics, 16(3), 238-256, special topic “Urban geophysics: New Developments and Research Trends”.
Bongiovanni, M.V., Grünhut, V. and López, E., 2021. A physical model to study deep contaminated sites: ERT study with surface-downhole electrode configuration. Conference Proceedings, NSG 2021, 27th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Aug 2021, Volume 2021, p.1 - 5. doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202120177
Characterization of Buried Structures — Archaeogeophysics
Archaeological prospection of clay-brick walls using resistivity methods and GPR at San Julian Bay, Argentina, Lascano, E., Osella, A., de la Vega, M., Buscaglia, S., Lanata, J., 2002. Env. & Eng. Geophys. Soc., Electronic Ed.
GPR and Geoelectrical Surveys at a Patagonian Archaeological Site. Part I: Data analysis, Lascano, E., Osella, A., de la Vega, M., 2003. Ann. Soc. Braz. Geof., Electronic Ed.
GPR and Geoelectrical Surveys at a Patagonian Archaeological Site. Part II: Numerical Simulations de la Vega, M., Osella, A., Lascano, E., Carcione, J., 2003., Ann. Soc. Braz. Geof., Electronic Ed.
Geophysical Prospection at Floridablanca Archaeological site, San Julián Bay, Argentina. Lascano, E., Osella, A., de la Vega, Buscaglia, S., Senatore, X., Lanata, J.L., 2003. Archaeolog. Prospect., 10, 175.192 (ISBN 1075-2196).
Martinelli, P., Osella, A., Lascano, E., 2004. Simulación numérica de la respuesta electromagnética de estructuras resistivas, aplicada para interpretar datos adquiridos en un sitio arqueológico (Numerical simulation of the electromagnetic response of resistive structures, applied to interpret data acquired in an archaeological site). Ann. XXII Reunión Científica de la Asociación Argentina de Geofísica y Geodesia, electronic Ed., 5 pp.
3D electrical imaging of an archaeological site using electric and electromagnetic methods Osella, A., de la Vega, M. and Lascano, E., 2005., Geophysics, 70 (4), 101-107 (ISBN 0016-8033).
Ground Penetrating Radar and Geoelectrical simulations of data from the Floridablanca archaeological site, de la Vega, M., Osella, A., Lascano, E., Carcione, J., 2005. Archaeolog. Prosp., 12 (1), 19-30 (ISBN 1075-2196).
GeophysicalProspection at a BuriedSpanish Fort in South Argentina, V. Bongiovanni, E. Lascano, A. Osella, S. Buscaglia, X. Senatore, 2005, EAGE 67ª Conference & Exhibition, Palermo, Italia.
EMI data from an archaeological resistive target revisited. Lascano, E., Martinelli, P. and Osella, A., 2006., Near Surface Geophysics, 4(6),395-400 (ISBN 1569-4445).
Electrical and GPR prospecting at Palo Blanco archaelogical site, northwestern Argentina. Martino, L., Bonomo., N., Lascano, E., Osella, A., Ratto, N., 2006. Geophysics, 71(6), 193-199 (ISBN 0016-8033).
Planning an Organization. Cross-functional Perspectives on Spatial Construction in the Spanish Colony of Floridablanca (Patagonia, 18th century), Senatore, X., Buscaglia, S., Lascano, E., Bongiovanni, V., de la Vega, M. and Osella, A., 2008, Historical Archaeology, 42 (4), 1-20 (ISBN 0440-9213).
Rapid evaluation of multifrequency EMI data to characterize buried structures at a historical Jessuit mission in Argentina, Bongiovanni, M.V., Bonomo, N., de la Vega, M., Martino, L., Osella, A., 2008. J. Appl. Geophys., Vol 64/1-2 pp 37-46 (ISBN 0926-9851).
GPR prospecting in a prehispanic village, NW Argentina Bonomo, N., Cedrina, L., Osella, A., Ratto, N., 2009., J. Appl. Geophys., 67 (1), 80-87 (ISBN 0926-9851).
Detecting and mapping a buried building with GPR at an ancient village in Northwestern Argentina, Bonomo, N., Osella, A. and Ratto, N., 2010. J. of Archaeological Science, 37, 3247-3255.
Geofísica aplicada a la arqueología: la localización del fuerte Sancti Spíritus (1527-1529), Puerto Gaboto, Provincia de Santa Fé (Geophysics applied to archeology: the location of Fort Sancti Spíritus (1527-1529), Puerto Gaboto, Province of Santa Fé). Cocco, G., Frittegotto, G., Bonomo, N, de la Vega, M., Martinelli, P., Osella, A., 2010. Proc. XVII Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Argentina, Chapter 27 - Simposium 27, Volume IV, pp. 1411-1416. Ed.: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNCuyo, and INCIHUSA (Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales), CONICET. Editors: J. Roberto Bárcena and Horacio Chiavazza.
GPR-signal improvement using a synthetic emitter array. Cedrina, L., Bonomo, N. and Osella, A., 2011. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 74, 123-130.
Contribution of the geolectrical method to characterize mud walls in a very dry region and comparison with GPR. Bongiovanni, V., de la Vega and Bonomo, N, 2011. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38, 2243-2250.
Location and characterization of the Sancti Spiritus Fort from geophysical investigations. Bonomo, N.; Osella, A.; Martinelli, P.; de la Vega, M.; Cocco, G.; Letieri, F.; Frittegotto, G., 2012. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 83, 57-64.
GPR Mapping of an Inca Village in NW-Argentina. Osella, A., Bonomo, N. and Ratto, N, 2012. Near Surface Geoscience 2012: 18th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics of the Near Surface Geoscience Division of EAGE. Paris, 3-5 September 2012. Paper 39, 1-5.
Historia ambiental, arqueo-geofísica y geo-arqueología del oeste tinogasteño (Catamarca): su impacto y consecuencias en las sociedades del primer milenio. Ratto, N., Kligman, Montero, Bonomo, Hongn, Valero Garcés, Osella and Russo, 2012. Congreso de Arqueología del Periodo Formativo en Argentina. Instituto de Arqueología y Museo / ISES, CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Tucumán / Center for the Archaeology of the Americas, University of Exeter. Tafí del Valle, 11-13 Abril de 2012. http://www.ises.org.ar/arqueologia/trabajos_c_foros.php
GPR investigations at an Inca-Spanish site in Argentina. Bonomo, N., Osella, A. and Ratto, N., 2013. Near Surface Geophysic, 11, 449-456.
ERT for localizing 17th century tunnels at a Jesuit Mission in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Osella, A.; Grunhut, V.; Martinelli, P.; de la Vega, M.; Bonomo, N.; 2013. Book of Abstracts: Near Surface Geoscience 2013. 19th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics , Ed. European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, 5 pp.
Electrical imaging for localizing historical tunnels at an urban environment. Osella, A; Martinelli, P.; Grunhut, V.; de la Vega, M.; Bonomo, N.; Weissel, M., 2015. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 12, 674–685.
Prospección con GPR para localizar una cisterna y una galería en un sitio histórico urbano (GPR prospecting to locate a cistern and a gallery in an urban historical site). Bonomo, N.; Martinelli, P.; Osella, A.; de la Vega, M., 2016. Geoacta, 41(1), 50-64.
GPR and Geoelectical studies in a historical site in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Grunhüt, V., Martinelli, H. P., Bonomo, N. E., Bongiovanni, M. V., Pinio, A., Osella, A. M., 2017. Book of Abstracts: Near Surface Geoscience 2017. 23th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Ed: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).
Bongionvanni, M. V., Grunhut, V., Martinelli, P., de la Vega, M., Bonomo, N., 2018. Geoelectrical and EMI studies at an urban site in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for localizing an old tunnel. Proceedings Near Surface Geoscience 2018. 24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Ed.: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). ISBN: 9789462822634. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201802618. We 24P1 14, 5 pp.
Bordon, P., Martinelli, P., Bonomo, N., 2018. Automatic detection of reflections at ancient walls in simple-offset GPR images by using cascade classifiers. Proceedings: Near Surface Geoscience 2018. 24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. Ed: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). ISBN: 9789462822634. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201802476. Mo 24P1 12, 5 pp.
Grünhut, V., Bongiovanni, M.V., Osella, A., Martinelli, P., de la Vega, M., Bonomo, N., Weissel, M., 2018. Localización de túneles históricos en la ciudad de Buenos Aires mediante el método geoeléctrico. Libro de la 1ª Reunión Internacional Intersecciones Ciencia, Arte y Patrimonio (ICAP 2018), organizada por la Sociedad Científica Argentina, pág. 207-210. Editado por: InMiBo (Instituto de Micología y Botánica, UBA-CONICET), ISBN 978-987-47078-0-2.
Osella, A., Martinelli, P., Bonomo, N., de la Vega, M., 2018. Aportes de los métodos geofísicos a la caracterización y preservación de bienes culturales. Libro de la 1ª Reunión Internacional Intersecciones Ciencia, Arte y Patrimonio (ICAP 2018), organizada por la Sociedad Científica Argentina, pág. 204-206. Editado por: InMiBo (Instituto de Micología y Botánica, UBA-CONICET), ISBN 978-987-47078-0-2.
Ratto, N., Bonomo, N. y Osella, A., 2018. La arquitectura de la aldea de Palo Blanco a lo largo de sus 1000 años de vida (Departamento Tinogasta, Catamarca). VII Congreso Nacional de Arqueometría. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. 17 al 30 de abril de 2018. San Miguel de Tucumán/Amaicha del Valle. ISSN 03275868. p. 270-272.
Ratto, N., Bonomo, N. Osella, A., 2019. Architecture of Palo Blanco Village (ca. 0-1000 DC), (Arquitectura de la aldea de Palo Blanco (ca. 0–1000 dC), departamento de Tinogasta, Catamarca,Argentina). Latin American Antiquity, 30(4), 760-779. doi:10.1017/laq.2019.71
Bordón, P., Martinelli, P., Zabala Medina, P., Bonomo, N., Ratto, N.R., 2020. Automatic detection of mud-wall signatures in ground-penetrating radar data. Archaeological Prospection, 28(1), 89-106.
Diffusion Models Applied to Population Dynamics
Simulando la dispersión humana en Sudamérica (Simulating human dispersion in South America), Lanata, J. L., Martino, L., Osella, A., 2005. In: Metodologías científicas aplicadas al estudio de los bienes culturales. Ed.: Pifferetti A. and Bolamaro R., 413-420.
Diffusion models in anisotropic media applied to South American paleo-indean dispersals, Martino, L., Osella, A., Dorso, C. and Lanata J. L., 2007. Phys. Rev. E, 76, 1 (ISSN 1539-3755).
A model to understand early human demographic variation and Mt haplogroup distribution in the Americas. Lanata, J. L., Martino, L., Osella, A, Carnese, R., 25th Southern Illinoois University Center for Biological and Archaeological Variation in the New World, Carbondale, Illinois, USA, Abril 2008.
Demographic conditions necessary to colonize new spaces: The case for early human dispersal in the Americas José Luis Lanata, Luis Martino, Ana Osella and Arleen Garcia-Herbst, 2008., World Archaeology, 40 (4), 520-537 (ISSN 0043-8243).
Exploring the South America Human Dispersal Distinctiveness, José Luis Lanata, Arleen Garcia-Herbst, Luis Martino and Ana Osella, 2006. in The Prehistory of South-America, R. Kipnis & P. DeBlasis Ed., Univ. of Alabama Press, USA.
Patricia Martinelli. Title: Métodos de inducción electromagnética aplicados a modelos de tierra bidimensionales (Electromagnetic induction methods applied to two-dimensional earth models). Approved March 25th, 1994. Director: Ana Osella. Qualification: Outstanding.
Eduardo Colombo. Title: Investigación de radiación B en el rango de 1Tev de la variable AE AQUARIL (Investigation of B radiation in the 1Tev range of the variable AE AQUARIL. Approved March 12, 1996. Director: Ana Osella, Codirector Dr. Trevor Weekes. Qualification: Outstanding
Nora Sabbione. Title: Implementación de la red de estaciones sismológicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Aplicaciones al estudio del riesgo sísmico (Implementation of the network of seismological stations of the National University of La Plata. Applications to the study of seismic risk). Approved: December 2004. Qualification: Outstanding.
Eugenia Lascano. Title: Métodos eléctricos y electromagnéticos aplicados a arqueo-geofísica (Electrical and electromagnetic methods applied to archeo-geophysics). Approved March 13, 2007. Director: Ana Osella. Qualification: Outstanding
Ernesto López. Title: Efectos de corrosión por actividad magnética (Corrosion effects by magnetic activity). Approved March 17, 2008. Director: Ana Osella. Qualification: Outstanding
Luis Martino. Title: Modelos de difusión aplicados al poblamiento Americano (Diffusion models applied to the American settlement). Approved: March 2009. Director: Ana Osella. Qualification: Outstanding with special mention.
Lorena Cedrina. Title: Procesamiento de Señales de Georradar: Implementación del Método de Arreglos Sintéticos de Antenas Emisoras (Processing of Georadar Signals: Implementation of the Method of Synthetic Arrangements of Emitting Antennas). Approved: December 2010. Director: Ana Osella, Assistant Director: Néstor Bonomo. Qualification: Outstanding.
Victoria Bongiovanni. Title: Desarrollo de un equipo para la detección rápida de anomalías eléctricas superficiales en regiones extensas y su aplicación para la caracterización de sitios (Development of an equipment for the rapid detection of superficial electrical anomalies in large regions and its application for the characterization of sites). Director: Matías de la Vega. Approved: March 29, 2010. Qualification: Outstanding.
Fabiana Robledo. Title: Innovaciones metodológicas en métodos geofísicos con aplicación a diversas problemáticas ambientales (Methodological innovations in geophysical methods with application to diverse environmental problems). Director: Patricia Martinelli. Approved: August 1st, 2014. Qualification: Outstanding.
Darío Bullo. Title: Optimización de imágenes 3D de Georadar a partir de la síntesis de frentes de onda (Optimization of 3D Georadar images from the synthesis of wavefronts). Director: Néstor Bonomo. Approved: April, 2019. Qualification: Outstanding.
Pablo Bordón. Title: Mejoras metodológicas en métodos eléctricos y electromagnéticos de prospección geofísica somera (Methodological improvements in electrical and electromagnetic methods for near-surface geophysical prospecting). Director: Patricia Martinelli. Approved: August 14, 2020. Qualification: Outstanding.
Since 2000, more than 100 works have been presented in international and national meetings.

The Group counts with research grants by Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet, National Council of Scientific and Technical Research) and Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT, National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion). The projects currently being developed are:
Métodos de modelado sísmico y eléctrico para la detección y monitoreo de eventos generados por inyección de fluidos en pozos (Seismic and electrical modeling methods for the detection and monitoring of events generated by injection of fluids in boreholes). Funds granted by Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica. Res. 270/15 PICT Raíces 1613/14. Director Ana Osella
Estudios mediante métodos geofísicos de flujos salinos y eventos microsísmicos en reservorios (Studies using geophysical methods of saline flows and microseismic events in reservoirs). Funds granted by CONICET. PIP 2015/199 Res. 112 201501 00199 CO. Director Ana Osella
Innovaciones metodológicas orientadas a mejorar los resultados obtenidos con métodos geofísicos de prospección somera, con aplicación a estudios ambientales y a la caracterización de estructuras ingenieriles y arqueológicas, en zonas urbanas y suburbanas (Methodological innovations to improve the results obtained with near-surface geophysical methods, with application to environmental studies and characterization of engineering and archaeological structures, in urban and suburban areas). Funds granted by Conicet. PIP 2014-2016 N° 00226. Director Patricia Martinelli, Codirector Néstor Bonomo. Period: October 2016 – 12 de October 2019.
Avances metodológicos para mejorar la información obtenida con métodos electromagnéticos de prospección geofísica superficial, orientados a aplicaciones ambientales, ingenieriles y arqueológicas, en sitios urbanos y suburbanos (Methodological advances to improve the information obtained with electromagnetic methods of near-surface geophysical prospecting, oriented to environmental, engineering and archaeological applications, in urban and suburban sites). Funds granted by ANPCyT. Res. 270-15. PICT-2014-2285. Director: Patricia Martinelli. Period: January 2016 – January 2019.
Geología y Geofísica de la llanura costera del Río de la Plata. Funds granted by ANPCyT. Res. 2018-310. PICT-2017-1044. Director: Ana Osella. Period: July 2018 - present.

Effects of the natural electromagnetic field on gas pipelines as a cause of corrosion. March 1997. Company: Camuzzi Gas del Sur.
Corrosion effects in gas pipelines caused by telluric currents. June 1998. Company: Transportadora Gas del Sur.
Geophysical studies to determine the presence of contaminants in water tables along the Los Perales-Las Heras pipeline, Santa Cruz. Part I: zones FG11 and Eulalia. February 2001. Company: Repsol-YPF.
Geophysical studies to determine the presence of contaminants in water tables along the Los Perales-Las Heras pipeline, Santa Cruz. Part II: zones FG28, FG22, FG20, FG16 and FG12. May 2001. Company: Repsol-YPF.
Procedure evaluation for decontamination of PCB transformers. November-December 2002. Company: Tredi Argentina S. A. (OAT 200/02).
Procedure evaluation for dechlorination of oils contaminated with PCB. July 2003. Company: Tredi Argentina S. A. (OAT 200/03).
Geophysical studies in the Jesuit Missions of San Ignacio, Misiones. April-June 2006. Organization: World Monument Funds (OAT 20/06).
Geophysical study in search of tunnels of the Hispanic period in the Avellaneda Park. September–December 2006. Contract with the División de Arqueología Urbana del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, en colaboration with Unión Vecinal del Parque Avellaneda.
Joint geophysical study with GPR and electromagnetic induction method for the characterization and delimitation of a contamination plume in the gas station Elosegui, located in Cipolletti, Río Negro Province, Argentina. May 2008. Company YPF-Repsol.
Geophysical studies in the framework of archaeological tasks of the Project of valorization of the Taylor Customs building. Company Dycasa S.A., Octubre- Noviembre 2009 (OAT 55/09).
Geophysical study for the characterization of buried structures in the sectors corresponding to the Office of the Attorney General and current parking lot in Manzana de las Luces historical site). Company: SCA (Sociedad Civil de Arquitectos), Mayo-Junio 2011 (OAT 10/11).
Geophysical studies to characterize the archaeological remains of the Sancti Spíritus fort). First Campaign: November 2008, second campaign: May 2010 and third campaign October 2011. With archaeologists Guillermo Frittegotto, Gabriel Cocco y Fabián Letieri.
Geophysical prospecting using GPR on a statue in the City of Buenos Aires. April 2013. Technical assistance for National University of La Plata.
GPR inspection of a sculptural piece. Technical assistance for the company THASA S.A. (OAT 16/2013).
Characterization of column bases from electrical resistivity tomography. May-August 2016. Technical assistance for the company Bridgestone Argentina SAIC.

Contact Us
Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón 1, Depto. de Física
1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ana Osella: osella@df.uba.ar
Patricia Martinelli: pmartine@df.uba.ar
Néstor Bonomo: bonomo@df.uba.ar
Matías de la Vega: matias@df.uba.ar